Please Pray For The Cause of Archbishop Fulton Sheen!

Dear Friends of Sheen,
We are in true need of your help. We need prayers as the Fulton Sheen Positio is being reviewed by the Theologians in Rome. Please pray for the discernment of the Theologians and for the Cause of our beloved Archbishop Fulton Sheen. You are our foot soldiers. I encourage you to forward this note to all your friends and have them join us in prayer and encourage them to become active participants in this great Cause. Let’s flood heaven with our rosaries, novenas, Masses and holy hours. We specially need prayer from 8am to 8pm tomorrow as the review begins at 5PM Italy time. I encourage you to pray as Sheen prayed. Please visit the Blessed Sacrament and as Sheen loved our lovely lady dressed in blue please pray many, many rosaries. Let us all take example from our Servant of God Archbishop Fulton Sheen and Pray! Pray! Pray!

In prayer with all of you,

Msgr. Stanley Deptula
Executive Director, Archbishop Fulton Sheen Foundation

“Prayer is helplessness casting itself on Power, Infirmity leaning on Strength, misery reaching to Mercy, and a prisoner clamoring for Relief.”

—Servant of GodArchbishop Fulton Sheen

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