My Many Blogger Friends!

I just love when I get letters from kids and their parents. Many of those parents are bloggers like me, and they like to review Olivia and the Little Way and Olivia's Gift on their blogs, like Julie Musselman from the blog A Catholic Home Journal.

Julie kindly wrote to me telling me she loved Olivia and the Little Way (thanks, Julie! You're so sweet!) and wrote a blog about the book here.

Julie writes on her blog, "What I loved most about this book is that it gave real life situations a fifth grader would face. But moreover, it gave solutions to peer pressure and teasing and trying to fit in, that we can all learn from...My girls had so many questions about St. Therese that we started reading her autobiography Story of a Soul. I would never have thought to read this to them, even though I have read it before. But as I read the pages of Story of a Soul, written by St Therese who is a Doctor of the Church, it was so interesting to them they we are now slowly reading through a page or two a night."

I spent some time on her blog and really enjoyed it. I know it's a blog I will return to again and again! All of you bloggers out there: If you write about my books, please send me a quick link and I'll be sure to link to it here on my blog!

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